Mastoiditis is an infection within the mastoid region of the temporal bone, which is located just behind the outer ear. The mastoid bone is an airy, honeycomb-like structure that communicates directly with the middle ear (space under the eardrum). Middle ear or ear canal infections can extend into the mastoid. If left untreated, the honeycomb-like bony structure of the mastoid may be destroyed, leading to \u201ccoalescence,\u201d which is a fusing of the bony structure. Symptoms of mastoiditis include ear pain, post-auricular tenderness, ear drainage (if there is a tympanic membrane perforation or defect within the ear canal), headache, fever, hearing loss, and redness\/swelling behind the ear. The primary cause of acute (short-term) mastoiditis is\u00a0acute otitis media<\/a>. Chronic (long-term) mastoiditis is generally associated with\u00a0chronic suppurative otitis media<\/a>\u00a0or\u00a0cholesteatoma<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n Mastoiditis can be difficult to treat because oral and IV medications may not be able to reach deep enough into the mastoid bone to get to all of the infection. A CT scan will show the extent mastoid bone destruction or complications of mastoiditis. A small slit (myringotomy) may be made in the eardrum to help drain infected fluid if damage to the mastoid is minimal. If antibiotic treatment is not sufficient and complications arise (labyrinthitis,\u00a0facial nerve paralysis<\/a>, subperiosteal abscess, sigmoid sinus thrombosis, meningitis, or brain abscess), a surgical procedure called a mastoidectomy may be required.<\/p>\n\n\n\nWhy Choose Us<\/h2>\n\n\n\n